Adjust. Evolve. Thrive.

We're a supportive community for internationally trained professionals in Canada, where your professional growth and mental well-being are our top priority. We believe that with the right support and guidance, you can Adjust, Evolve, and Thrive in your new home.

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You’re One of A Kind!

As an internationally trained professional, you possess amazing skills and talents that set you apart from the rest.
You have overcome the challenges of crossing borders
and adapting to new environments, showcasing your remarkable commitment, bravery, resilience, and
efficiency. With the right guidance, you can unlock your full potential and confidently shine as you achieve your career
and life goals. Let us help you tap into your unique
qualities and reach new heights with resilience and



Book a 30-minute courtesy session

Meraki Coaching - Canada

What’s In a Word?

Meraki is a Greek word that holds special meaning for us, new Canadians. It
means doing something with all your heart, soul, and creativity, so that a little
piece of you stays in what you create. That's exactly what we immigrants do -
we leave behind what's dear to us to chase our dreams of safety, progress, love,
health, and freedom. Despite the challenges, we press on, determined to
belong and make our mark in our new home.


Career and Life Coaching Programs

Our coaching programs are designed to empower you with the tools and skills you need to achieve your career aspirations and improve your mental health. Whether you're struggling with language barriers, cultural adjustment, or the stress of navigating the immigration and integration process, we're here to help. Our programs are grounded in our values of integrity, resilience, love, and excellence, and are designed to support you through every step of the journey. READ MORE



What Does Meraki Mean?

I’ve Been Where
You Are At

Welcome to Meraki Coaching, where your professional and
personal growth is at the forefront of our mission. My name
is Ana-Maria Ortega, a certified Life and Career Coach
based in Alberta, Canada. As a fellow immigrant, I
understand the unique challenges that come with the
journey of starting anew in a foreign land. From the stress
of cultural adjustment, financial constraints, and weather
to professional frustration and self-doubt, I have been
there and felt the weight of it all.

However, I also know the resilience and strength that lies within us as internationally trained professionals.


Start Your Journey to Success Today


Services We Don’t Offer

I strive to give you the best client experience possible, starting with transparency. Therefore, I want to be emphatic about what I do not offer as part of my services:

  • Legal advice
  • Guidance on the migration process and paperwork
  • Connections with any migration agency or government
  • Credential equivalency assessment
  • Medical diagnosis (physical or mental)
  • Counselling nor therapy
  • Medications, nor prescriptions of any kind
  • Job search
  • Job placement
  • Financial advice
  • Decision-making on your behalf
  • Medications, nor prescriptions of any kind
  • Job search
  • Job placement
  • Financial advice
  • Decision-making on your behalf
  • Mission & Values

    At Meraki Coaching – Canada, we believe in the power of integrity, resilience, love, and excellence to help individuals achieve their full potential. Our mission is to inspire and empower the pursuit of purposeful lives and careers for internationally trained professionals, anytime and anywhere.

  • Vision

    As a company, our vision is to foster a multi-cultural generation of conscious human beings and fulfilled professionals worldwide. We understand the unique challenges faced by internationally trained professionals and are dedicated to supporting them on their journey to success. Our team of experienced coaches works with you to create a customized plan that addresses your specific needs and helps you overcome the obstacles in your way


    Join Us as a Mentor and Make a Difference

Strategic Partners


  • Edmonton Chamber of Commerce

  • Redefined WXN Member

  • Certified Flourishing  Leadership Coach

  • Flourshing Coach Certicication

  • Certified Flourishing Life Coach

  • Certified Coaches Federation

  • Certified Executive Coach

  • Certified Flourishing Career Coach

Services We Don’t Offer

I strive to give you the best client experience possible, starting with transparency. Therefore, I want to be emphatic about what I do not offer as part of my services:

  • Legal advice
  • Guidance on the migration process and paperwork
  • Connections with any migration agency or government
  • Credential equivalency assessment
  • Medical diagnosis (physical or mental)
  • Counselling nor therapy
  • Medications, nor prescriptions of any kind
  • Job search
  • Job placement
  • Financial advice
  • Decision-making on your behalf
  • Medications, nor prescriptions of any kind
  • Job search
  • Job placement
  • Financial advice
  • Decision-making on your behalf